Day 5 Let them eat cake!

posted in: Europe 2016 | 1

Today’s destination was a short day trip to Versailles. We decided to drive ourselves. First time we had seen the car in two days, so good to know it was still there, Driving out of Paris was confusing, but we did it. There are lots of one way streets, many of them cobblestone, and there are cars parked end to end on each side of you and there is barely enough room to drive down the street in between them. Once we made it to the freeway it was much better. We got there in about 35 minutes.



We had to stand in a bit of a line today, but it went really fast.




Front Entrance


Once you get inside, you start to see rooms like this




Ok, so I made a big deal about the ceilings at the Louvre. I must say that some of the rooms in this palace had the Louvre beat. Once again I have a sore neck from staring upwards. These next few are ceilings.





Hall of mirrors



Ok, so the inside is the very definition of opulence.  Its breathtaking, Then you go outside to the gardens. They are very impressive too and seem to go on as far as you can see.





We had such a great time there today. The sun was out for the first time in a few days. Once we got back to the garage I was very happy to park the car and not worry about driving again until Saturday when we leave Paris. Driving in this city is too confusing.


Almost forgot, this guy is the friendliest guy from the coffee shop down the street from our hotel.





One Response

  1. Did you play Sun King and get dressed in front of all those mirrors?

    And, Marie Antoinette wasn’t all that bad for saying “Let them eat cake” when she heard the people were starving and didn’t have bread… cake flour was cheaper. Off with her head!