Innumerable number of stairs and an elevator (Eiffel Tower)

posted in: Europe 2016 | 0

Let me first say that we could not decide on the title of this post and spent several minutes finding the right word to describe the stairs.  More on that later.

It is ever clear that The Lord is with us.  Another example this evening.  We got to the tower and were walking up at 7:58 giving us two minutes to set up for this video of 8pm light show.


. . . So the line at the bottom was great!! Like 10 people in front of us.  We were informed the bottom elevator does not run at night and we needed to take the stairs to the 2nd level to catch the elevator.  I think I had spoken that into the situation months ago when i boldly told Tammy I “used to climb the stairs all the way to the top” Well the second level was plenty.  We both have put our legs to the test this week.  We got to the top and I got to kiss my wife on top of the Eiffel Tower.  It was more than pretty cool.
