Fun around Paris

posted in: Europe 2016 | 0

I wanted to add a few funny shots of various things around town.



Marc looked like this quite a bit. LOL!!! Good things maps are free at the hotel desk. They tear really easy and we keep getting a new one every morning.



Wine wine everywhere!!



Cute little chocolate castle



Notice the Heineken in his hand! The flower shops are plentiful and the flowers are gorgeous.


These are soap! Adorable, right?


Produce market. You see one of these about every two blocks. Everything so fresh.


So last night on the way home from our night out we wanted pizza really bad. We were thrilled to see a place right down from the hotel that we hadn’t noticed before because we had always gone the other way when we left the room. What a fun experience. This guy was from Napoli and spoke very broken English mixed with Italian and made us some fantastic pizza right in front of us.