Our last night in Paris

posted in: Europe 2016 | 1

I had no plans to post again today, but when the metro dropped us off at the Arc de Triumph, there was a ceremony going on and its pretty cool. We’re not certain what it was for, but it looked like it was honoring older military veterans. They started a procession in the street right in front of us and marched across the street to the Arc which had a uniformed band playing underneath it.




I also realized i wanted to put in a few shots from the Champs-Elysees, which is the street that leads up to the Arc. Its where the most upscale stores in Paris are located.




There’s even car dealerships!


French car company Citroen.


The people here are beautiful and dress so well its crazy!! Their snobbishness is justified. That being said, there were plenty of polite people here too. No real mix of languages like I heard in Amsterdam, just French everywhere. That’s ok since it sounds so good when they speak it. Don’t let me mislead you, this place is FULL of tourists and I’ve had more conversations with other American tourists here than in Amsterdam.

I can’t sum up Paris so I’m not even going to try. Its more beautiful than I expected and my expectations were very high. Building after building of gorgeous architecture. Here’s one last pic of a place called the Grand Palace that we passed on the walk back to the hotel.


One Response

  1. Love Paris! My school was right over the Pont Neuf on Rue de Lille near Musee D’Orsay.