Day 9 Heidelberg

posted in: Europe 2016 | 0

In a way, this is a continuation of the previous post. We arrived in Heidelberg early, around 10:30 am and the hotel gave us early check in. This place is great! It is right across from the beginning of the haupstrasse, which is where everything fun is here. Shops of all kinds.


This is our hotel. It was built in 1856. Everything is updated inside. The rooms are big and the view is great! The people here are so friendly and speak really good English. Marc is dusting off his German and doing a pretty good job of it. I’m impressed,

In our previous castle post we forgot to put pics of the enormous wine vats inside. Check this out.

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We walked back up to the castle this evening, but only had access to the outside grounds. They close things up early here. Still got a few good shots.





The Haupstrasse is so much fun! Every kind of clothing store, boutique gift shops, and a couple of small malls off to the sides, not to mention the pubs and restaurants. So much to do!!


We stopped off for a beer at a Lowenbrau pub. Quintessential German pub. Loved it.




More on the Haupstrasse tomorrow. Lots more pics.