Heidelberg ich hab mein herz (I lost my heart in Heidelberg)

posted in: Europe 2016 | 2




It was very emotional for me driving in.  Yes, Tammy will tell you I cried a bit as we came into town.  This place is so special to me it is hard to explain.  Not to mention it is so quaint and beautiful.  Unharmed from either of the world wars in the 20th century Heidelberg is a University (one of the oldest in Europe) town that sits on the Neckar River at the entrance to a forested mountain range.  We will be visiting my cousins Gabi and Karina sometime this week  Gabi lives in the house my mother was born in and my mothers family has owned since the middle of the 19th century. We checked into our hotel that is so wonderfully located on Bizmarplatz. Then we went straight to the Haupstrasse (main street pedestrian zone) and up to the Castle.  I could not wait!!  Here are some pics.

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Nice view from up here.

2 Responses

  1. So awesome! I forgot that you plan to see your mama’s house. Very cool, homie.

  2. Great pics too… stood right there where you shot the vid… 1999 and 2008. Will try and dig out my Zum photo where I’m making a “T” with my hands in honor of the Trouper!!