Marc’s Army Barracks with a surprise

posted in: Europe 2016 | 1

From 1945 to 1991 the U.S Army had roughly 350,000 troops in Europe. The lion’s share in Germany. I was in from 1985 to 1990 and was based at a place called Tompkins barracks in a town called Schwetzigen (a suburb of Heidelberg).  Heidelberg had mutiple bases and was one of largest concentration of American military in Germany.  Now the bases in the city were called Patton Barracks and Campbell Barracks are abandoned and have grass growing over everything.  You cannot go in, but you can take pics from the road.  But the BIG surprise is where I used to work and live is now a Syrian refuge camp.  No shit!  When we first pulled up I thought it had been turned into a police station because of all the police cars out front. But then we saw temporary buildings that were never there before.  Then we saw actual refugees walking around the base.  Wow, what a shocker. Still very cool to see the old place.  It needs some paint and fix up, but it still looks the same for the most part.

Kilbourne Kaserne where Marc worked
Kilbourne Kaserne where Marc worked
Tompkins barracks where Marc lived
Tompkins barracks where Marc lived
For one year I lived "off post" in this apartment
For one year I lived “off post” in this apartment


This is where Marc’s Dad Lynn was stationed in 1961!!  It is called Patton barracks.




One Response

  1. Captain Scooter

    Wow! I guess that’s still nice digs if you’re a refugee! Cool that you got to see where the old man was stationed too.