Philosopher’s Way

posted in: Europe 2016 | 0

Philosopher’s way is an uphill path that leads you up the mountain on the opposite side of the Neckar River from the castle. The view is spectacular and we only made it about halfway up the mountain. You can actually drive to the very top and we will do that another day. The witch’s tower and Celtic ruins are up at the very top. We just got too tired to walk the whole way. Its really steep. I mean, its a mountain after all.



This is the view from the street before we got to the upward path. Just some of the buildings in Heidelberg. Gorgeous!




The beginnings of the path are through a residential area. Then it becomes more like a trail.




This is a little park/lookout area that we reached about 1/3 of the way up. Great views from here.







So then we went a little higher and came upon this tower. You could climb up inside it and go up and stand on top. I chickened out. Marc went for it. In this pic below he is standing on top. You can barely see his head and him waving at me down below. Look to the right of the little dome on top.
