Zum Sepple’s and night on Haupstrasse

posted in: Europe 2016 | 1

Zum Sepple’s is one of those places that it is so cool that you think it cannot be real.  But take my word, every inch is real. Me and my Army buddies used to come here often and drink out of big glass boots of beer and play drinking games.  Sepple’s is a very very old fraternity pub for the University of Heidelberg.  There are photos on the wall dating back to the middle 19th century of each years fraternity classes.  There is a movie and play called “The Student Prince” based on events that happened at Zum Sepple’s in the late 19th century.



Hard to see but there are names carved in every inch of wood on the wall. (mine is there somewhere from the 1980’s).





Had a wonderful time walking down the Haupstrasse afterwards in a light rain.  We had a great Schnitzel here.  Nice waitress.


One Response

  1. Captain Scooter

    Nice schnitzel! Wish I was there to toast you guys :)