Ride With Pride

posted in: Fall 2017 | 0

Today Taylor went to a birthday party for one of his Kindergarten classmates. Sweet girl named Addison. The party was held at a horsemanship school in Southlake called Ride With Pride. What a great place!  Its tucked away in all these gorgeous trees and they offer lessons, camps, and even therapy for kids with special needs. The kids were given a tour of the place and got to ride two different horses. They also got to paint horseshoes to take home with them. Weather was warm but beautiful and all the kids had a blast.

Taylor, Alex and Ian
Taylor, Alex and Ian


Most of the kids from Taylor's class
Most of the kids from Taylor’s class


Their teacher even came
Their teacher even came  :)





Despite his expression here, Evie is his good friend
Despite his expression here, Evie is his good friend  :)