Labor Day Weekend Road Trip

posted in: 2018 | 1

We had a fun family road trip this Labor Day weekend.  Staying in Bryan/College Station and a little back and forth to the family property worked out really well.  We got to spend time with Aaron as well as Omi and Opa. The first stop on the way down was in Waco. We headed to Health Camp, home of the best milkshakes and malts ever. It was lunchtime and we enjoyed some burgers too.






By the way, there were tons of cars all around us and people everywhere.  Turns out Chip and Joanna Gaines of HGTV fame have opened up a restaurant right next to Health Camp.  It’s called Magnolia Table and it must be very trendy.  The Health Camp employees told us people from all over Texas show up there on the weekends and wait for an hour or two to eat there.


Under that tent was a lot of people waiting to get in. No thanks.


One Response

  1. Cool Post. Health camp rules!