Happy Thanksgiving!! Pt. 2 – Brenham

posted in: Holidays 2018 | 0

Thanksgiving morning we headed to the family property near Brenham to meet up with everyone there and have a nice Thanksgiving meal at Denny’s in town. There isn’t much open in Brenham on Thanksgiving day and they actually had turkey … Continued

Field Trip to AT&T Stadium

posted in: 2018 | 0

Today the Glenhope first grade went on a field trip to the Dallas Cowboys stadium.  What a gorgeous facility! There were as many parents there as kids, myself included. Everyone had a great time. We went into the press box … Continued

Happy Halloween!

posted in: 2018 | 0

Halloween was rainy during the day this year, and we all wondered if it would stop in time for trick or treating. Thankfully it did.  It was cooler too, so Taylor had on warm clothes under his Ghostbusters jumpsuit. This … Continued