It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

posted in: Holidays 2018 | 0

Troup family tradition is spending Black Friday decorating our house for Christmas. This includes a trip to Home Depot to buy our tree.  We love going there because the trees are fresh cut and the service is great.  I know that those of us who buy a real tree every year are in the minority, but we love it. We saw the one we wanted right away.


They got it all trimmed and ready for us


Although Taylor got impatient quick.  :)


They tied it to the car for us


And we got it home without issue. Unless you ask Marc about how he almost drove the car into the garage out of habit when the tree was still tied on top.  Yes, I stopped him. Yes, I will milk this all Christmas season.  :)


And at this point…..still one top tooth remains.  Stay tuned….


Now the tree is inside


A little later…..


And then the other one came out!!!  All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!   And a Nintendo switch and a Minecraft sword and Minecraft Legos and……….
