Tammy turns 50!

posted in: Winter 2019 | 1

January 18th, 2019 aka my 50th birthday was great!  After dropping Marc and Taylor off I went to Jazzercise as usual.  I had my birthday tank and headband hat for Terri’s class. Then Melissa showed up with her homemade tutu and huge balloons for Adrienne’s class. Everybody fussed over me and it was so sweet.

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For our night out, the Zimmermans joined us and we took the new train to Fort Worth. We had dinner at Mercury Steakhouse, which was great, and then on to Studio 80.  A dance club that plays 80’s music, and also shows the videos.  Nice fun crowd. We cut loose and really had a good time.






How’d we get mixed up with this guy?  :)



One Response

  1. Melissa Zimmerman

    Sweet! HBD!!!