A Colorful Bonus

posted in: Summer2019 | 1

After picking Marc up from the golf course and more ice cream at Rita’s, we went back to the condo with plans to relax a while and have evening beach time. The thunder and lightning put an end to that. We ended up resting which is what we needed anyway, so we didn’t care at all. The next morning we were up really early and decided on some morning beach time before packing up.  As we reached the street to cross over to the beach, we saw it…………

A beautiful rainbow!
A beautiful rainbow!



Yes, that’s Starbucks in my hand


We packed up, said goodbye to the condo, and headed down the street for a yummy buffet breakfast at The Jetty restaurant.




There are so many more pics and lots of video of this great trip.  Marc will be spending the next week or two going through it and making a trip video.  Stay tuned!


One Response

  1. Melissa

    Great rainbow!! Love the visor Tay!!