Harvest Hall is Open!!!!

posted in: spring21 | 0

The new and exciting Harvest Hall has opened up finally!  It’s attached to the new Hotel Vin on Main St and is part of the overall new Grapevine Train Station complex. There are so many great choices. The problem is … Continued

Still Frozen

posted in: Winter21 | 0

More snow fell Tues night into Weds.  We’re definitely snowed in until the weekend. Before that, on Tues afternoon, we walked to Walmart to stretch our legs and get a few things. Nice walk with the sun out, although it … Continued

Crazy Snowy Valentine’s Day

posted in: Winter21 | 0

The days leading up to Valentine’s Day were really cold. Also, as predicted, we got hit with a winter storm that brought us 4 inches of snow and record cold temps. Sunday and Monday we ventured outside long enough to … Continued

Friday Night at Ezparza’s

posted in: Winter21 | 0

We had a great time at Ezparza’s this past Friday night.  It was Tammy’s idea to go of course, and always we had a great time.  Ezparza’s always delivers. Taylor got a desert.