Dean Lee Troup 1965 – 2021 (I called him Bubba)

posted in: summer21 | 1

Dean and I were both adopted at birth.  Some people thought that meant we were not as close as biological brothers.  It gave us a connection biological brothers could not have.   We knew we were special, fortunate and blessed in a very unique way.  It was an unspoked thing for the most part but it was something that never left us.  Dean and I did not share a lot of the same interests, but once again, that did not keep us from being close to each other.  He was Dean and I was Marc, and together we were ‘Dean and Marc’.  I started calling him ‘Bubba’ when he joined FFA in high school and I would call him that the rest of our lives.  I loved him very much.  He was a great brother.

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One Response

  1. Very well done Marc. We are sorry for your loss.