55 & 10 : Day 2

posted in: summer22 | 1

It stormed very early the next morning, but the rest of the day was perfect weather. Not too hot and a cool breeze so we spent the morning on the Strand. Then on to lunch at Mario’s We spent the … Continued

55 & 10 : A Galveston Vacation- Day 1

posted in: summer22 | 1

To celebrate Marc’s 55th bday and Taylor’s 10th bday, we took a trip to Galveston with Papa and Adam. We rented a condo at Emerald of the Sea and it was so much fun! On the drive down, we stopped … Continued

4th Grade at the Park

posted in: Spring22 | 0

On Tuesday Taylor had the closest thing to a field trip in two years. The whole 4th grade walked over to Parr Park and spent the day there.  It was hot and sunny, so the splash pad was the favorite … Continued

Taylor Turns Ten!!

posted in: Spring22 | 0

Happy 10th Birthday Taylor!!!   We celebrated at Esparza’s with Papa on Friday night.  Since Taylor’s bday was on a Tues and he had a STAAR test at school that day, we had a low key celebration at home.  He was … Continued

Happy Mother’s Day!

posted in: Spring22 | 0

We had a great time on Sunday.  The church was passing out roses and chocolate to the moms and they had baby dedications. Wonderful day celebrating moms Happy Mother’s Day mom!