Time to get that tree!!

posted in: Holidays22 | 0

Black Friday is decorating day at our house, and that includes a trip to Home Depot for a fresh Christmas tree.  We spend the day setting everything up, inside and out and we love it so much!!   We have … Continued

Thanksgiving at Rachel’s

posted in: Holidays22 | 0

Rachel and Randall hosted Thanksgiving dinner at their house in the Woodlands this year. The food was really yummy and it was wonderful to spend time with everyone!   We also got my mom set up in assisted living and … Continued

Brenham Holiday Visit

posted in: Holidays22 | 0

Today we went to the property briefly to see Doug (Susan too sick for visitors) and then went to Kruse to visit Grandma Allen and Omi and bring them a gift.  We found them hanging out in the TV room … Continued

Happy Halloween!!!

posted in: Fall22 | 0

This year Fellowship Church continued on with the super fun Trunk or Treat festivities after the service.  Taylor dressed as an astronaut and it was so much fun to see all the decorated cars and all the kids in costumes. … Continued