Christmas with the Piggotts

posted in: Holidays22 | 0

My sister Shari, husband David and my niece Paisley were planning a Christmas Eve visit but an extreme freeze postponed their visit until right after Christmas.  We were so excited to have them up here and we crammed as much … Continued

Merry Christmas 2022

posted in: Holidays22 | 0

Merry Christmas!  Yesterday we enjoyed Christmas Eve service at church. It was wonderful!  Taylor rushed to open his gifts this morning. Later, Papa and Adam came over and we had a great day. Kid’s choir was adorable Yeah, Marc and … Continued

Christmas with the Zimmermans

posted in: Holidays22 | 0

Last night we celebrated Christmas with our good friends, the Zimmermans. We decided to get together at Main Event and enjoy a night of gifts, bowling and gaming.  Had a blast!      

Taylor’s School Party

posted in: Holidays22 | 0

For the first time since 2019, Taylor’s school had Christmas parties for the students. The 5th grade had a group party in the cafeteria with game stations all around.  It was great to be there and see all the kids … Continued

Strange day at the mall

posted in: Holidays22 | 0

Being fans of the series Stranger Things, a visit to Grapevine wouldn’t be complete for Rachel Randall and Kimberly without a trip to the Stranger Things store at the mall.  It was only there for a limited time and they … Continued

Christmas with the big kids

posted in: Holidays22 | 0

Christmas celebrations started early this year as the adult kids (minus Zack) drove up to spend the holiday with us a week early. Aaron and Amy arrived Sat night and we took them to the most crowded Main St we’ve … Continued