
posted in: Europe 2016 | 1

Per Scooters request here is the itinerary:



One Response

  1. Awesome itin!! You likely know all these Paris tips, but posting in case there are some nuggets you’ve yet to consider. Most important thing to do: bottle of wine enjoyed during an evening stroll along the Seine.

    Paris in 1 – 2 days
    Areas to stay:
    • le Marais – gay(ish) area lots of great cafés, centrally located near Hotel de Ville on the 1 metro line
    • Quartier Latin – old quarter, great bars/restaurants, winding narrow streets

    • I forget the name of this famous place,(I think it’s Le Relais de Venise – L’Entrecôte) but all they sell is steaks and fries. The sauce is divine. I found it easily before via google and there’s one located in Quartier Latin right near all the fun night life.

    Must see sights:
    • Museé d’Orsay
    • la Tour Eiffel – during the day, take stairs to 2nd etage, then elevator to the top
    During the evening, it does something special every hour on the hour. View from Trucadero.
    • St. Chappelle/Notre Dame – Hit St.C first and see if there is a concert playing there in the eve. You can skip the line to the church when buying tix to a concert. It’s a small church famous for storing Christ’s Crown of Thorns and red stained glass. Notre Dame is amazing! Plan on an hour there and go to the top for views.
    • Jardain Luxembourg – for relaxing people watching.

    Other things to do:
    • walk la Champs Élysées and window shop
    • bottle of wine and baguette along La Seine
    • eat a delicious tart aux fraise

    • taxis – expensive (the night buses run from Tour st. Jaques and is good to take if out later than the metro closing at midnight if you are far from your hotel)
    • exchanging money anywhere else other than L’Opera
    • pickpockets around Centre de George Pompidou
    • the Louvre- resist its temptation, you’ll waste a whole day there and miss the true Paris experience. Museé d’Orsay has everything and all you need.