Fishing at the Creek

posted in: Fall 2019 | 0

Taylor got a bug to go fishing, so we bought him a Zebco rod and reel and went over to Parr Park.  The creek was pretty low, but we had a great time anyway.

Back to School

posted in: Fall 2019 | 0

Here we go!  Another school year is underway and it’s going to be a great one. Taylor is back at Glenhope for 2nd grade. Kimberly has started 1st grade at a different school and Rachel tells me she loves it! … Continued

A Literal “Wheels Off” End to Summer

posted in: Summer2019 | 0

School starts in two days and we’ve done something fun every day this week.  Today was really special because Taylor rode his bike for the first time without training wheels.  He’s obviously been ready for a while now because he … Continued

A Colorful Bonus

posted in: Summer2019 | 1

After picking Marc up from the golf course and more ice cream at Rita’s, we went back to the condo with plans to relax a while and have evening beach time. The thunder and lightning put an end to that. … Continued

SpongeBob and Golfballs

posted in: Summer2019 | 1

Marc enjoyed a gorgeous round of golf today at the Moody Gardens course. We dropped him off for a 12:40 tee time, then Taylor and I went to the pyramids and saw the Spongebob interactive show and also did the … Continued

Yummy breakfast, then a boat ride

posted in: Summer2019 | 1

This morning we ate breakfast at the Mosquito Cafe. It’s a favorite restaurant among the locals and we’ve been meaning to eat here for a long time. It was just as good as we had hoped. Great atmosphere, fun artwork … Continued

Beach time Fun time

posted in: Summer2019 | 1

We made it to Galveston Sunday morning in plenty of time to attend service at St. Patrick’s Church.  It was packed!  We met some friendly people and enjoyed worship time. After church it was only 11am, so we couldn’t check … Continued

Happy 6th Birthday Kimberly!!

posted in: Summer2019 | 1

Yet another smooth drive Saturday morning from Brenham to the Woodlands. Love that new 99 toll road. After a quick stop at the dollar store to replace a torn gift bag, (Oh, and we totally ran into Rachel and Zack … Continued

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