Bikes Everywhere!!!

posted in: Europe 2016 | 0

Marc told me that LOTS of Dutch people ride bikes, but wow!!  He wasn’t kidding.  Down every street I’ve seen rows and rows of bikes parked in front of businesses and cafes. These people are serious about it. 1    … Continued

Day 1 Amsterdam

posted in: Europe 2016 | 0

What a great first day so far! We are going back out again tonight.  4pm here right now.  Had a great time getting Tammy acquainted with city center.


posted in: Europe 2016 | 1

We are so excited about our upcoming journey.  In preparation Marc has downloaded the PDF version of Mark Twain’s a Tramp Abroad.  Twain stayed in Heidelberg (Marc’s mom’s birthplace) for 3 months in 1887.  The book is based on his … Continued

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