Go Time for Southbound 2019

posted in: Summer2019 | 0

We are so excited to be heading South to first see family and then enjoy some nice relaxtion at the beach!  Here is the itenerior for those that would like to know. 07/25 Aaron’s New House College Station, TX 07/26 … Continued

4th of July and T-shirts

posted in: Summer2019 | 0

We had a nice 4th of July and just stayed at home for the most part. Firecrackers on the 4th of July!! We also made our “Trip T Shirts” for Southbound 2019!!

Reading to Kids’ Best Friend

posted in: Summer2019 | 0

The Grapevine public library has so many activities for kids over the summer.  Something really sweet they started this year is reading to assistance dogs.  Every Thursday they have three assistance dogs, with their owners, hanging out in the children’s … Continued

Why haven’t we been here before??

posted in: Summer2019 | 0

Yesterday the Zimmermans invited us to join them at Dove Pool.  It’s here in Grapevine, but I’ve never been there. Up until now, whenever we go swimming, we just go to the Rec.  The Rec is really fun and indoors, … Continued

Summer Time Fun Time

posted in: Summer2019 | 0

We have had several fun family outings since the end of school. Here is a re cap of just some of them.   Family Bike fun times!! Washer fun times!! Around the house fun times!!!

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