Still Frozen

posted in: Winter21 | 0

More snow fell Tues night into Weds.  We’re definitely snowed in until the weekend. Before that, on Tues afternoon, we walked to Walmart to stretch our legs and get a few things. Nice walk with the sun out, although it … Continued

Crazy Snowy Valentine’s Day

posted in: Winter21 | 0

The days leading up to Valentine’s Day were really cold. Also, as predicted, we got hit with a winter storm that brought us 4 inches of snow and record cold temps. Sunday and Monday we ventured outside long enough to … Continued

Friday Night at Ezparza’s

posted in: Winter21 | 0

We had a great time at Ezparza’s this past Friday night.  It was Tammy’s idea to go of course, and always we had a great time.  Ezparza’s always delivers. Taylor got a desert.